Honda CRF1000L/CRF1100L Africa Twin - Honda's latest Adventure Bike > CRF1000L/CRF1100L Africa Twin riders experiences

CRF1000L vs VFR1200X

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One of our friend on an other forum had previously a CT 1200 (40000km with it) and have now a AT 1000 (500 km done with it); here are his comparaison: (from google traduction)

"Africa Twin received in early February after 40,000 kms in CT. 500 kms done to date.
The bike was commissioned without testing, manual transmission, Honda suitcases.

Already much much lighter than CT, the difference is huge stopped. The high seat position is ... high, OK for my 1m82 I have flat feet, but smaller ?? A higher than CT hair. Very comfortable saddle, flexible approach but firmness of good quality over time (2:30 remained non-stop on the saddle without pain or sensation of sitting slouched).
A driving, less inertia than with CT (always weight), low speed, the bike does not carry in tight corners. The driving position is different, naturally enough, the handle is placed so high that the CT and legs are more relaxed, angle at the knee is more open.
Everything is extremely gentle on this bike, the box is remarkably smooth (no more manly next to that of CT), also the engine, it starts from low revs (1750-2000trs / min) with perhaps less reprobation and vibration than that of CT in these plans. The suspensions are extremely well calibrated, too, the road feel is softer than that of CT. This is especially the beginning of the race that is flexible, cushioning is then run very well on potholes (already tested). The remark is valid on the front and rear. Here again, it is less virile than CT with the fork and the shock was sometimes rather dry reactions. Diving fork is contained, it must actually type in the brake feel for the load transfer. Moreover, the chassis is very strict, I mean smooth start racing suspensions, no softness; on bumpy roads (I almost does it), the bike does not absolutely disunited, even accelerating the pace.

The engine, I can not talk too much, I have not exceeded 4500 rev / min, but in any case it seems very bright, the ramp-up is very fast. For once, the engine sound is more present than the CT is very exhilarating, we frankly approximates the sound of a big single well hairy. I expected a lot of engine braking, well not any more than the CT. It will not slow down much to the engine.
Braking is not coupled to the pedal as TB. By cons, he shows a real power for Ar brake and for once, no big difference in power compared to the pedal brake coupled TB. The front brake is very biting, no complaints.

That's one record rather promising, it remains to see what gives the engine oiled and driving duo charged"


"zero temperatures did not prevent me from moving, I ride all year.
Protecting the AT is also quite effective. At the knees, already been tested, they are very well protected in the side of the hollow container, the shape of it was really designed to allow the stump to put away (and also facilitate standing) . The well, the comparison with the CT does not play in his favor, the majority of TB owners will likely have felt the pangs of cold on knees, they are quite exposed on the 1200 (mainly large legs); the Varadero was significantly more effective in this regard.
In the bubble, what is surprising is that, up to 120 km / h in any case, we do not feel the wind and especially no turbulence is noticeable. Working in effective wind tunnel has certainly been conducted at this level, turbulence seem annihilated through openings in the center and on the sides. To be confirmed at a higher speed.
Best of all, power consumption, certainly in running (but is not the most favorable conditions), 4.6 L / 100 500 terminals. Pile consos announced by Honda. I was averaging 6.2L / 100 on the CT (also Honda condos)."

I know there was a tiny bit "lost in translation" but what I read from it is that the      VCIF_ok Mighty Varadero      is still out there leading the pack.

Sorry I have no time to take words one by one and translate; if there are some parts which are not understandable, please say, and I try my best ...

Two Plugs:

--- Quote from: aboynamedsue on February 11, 2016, 21:29:19 ---I know there was a tiny bit "lost in translation" but what I read from it is that the      VCIF_ok Mighty Varadero      is still out there leading the pack.

--- End quote ---

It doesn't say that For what I understand, all weather protection of the CT is worse comparing to the Varadero (matches my experiences); but the CRF1000 Africa Twin beats them all.

Tnx for sharing, Gilles. Despite some of the translation went lost due to Google, the red line confirmed what I have received on feedback from professional motorcycle testriders: The bike is Bl* brilliant!

I am still waiting mine but after 1.5h test ride I say protection is better than CT.


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