Honda XL1000V Varadero - The bike that started our community! > Mechanical

Noises & idle stop & bangs!


Hello friends,

some of you may have realized in last VIM that my (former) 2004 Vara was rather noisy... ;)

On the other hand, she usually bang! whenever I just released the throttle near a corner.

These two symptoms make her sound cute  ;D . But it is not about her (she is gentle, and no poorly engineered old fashioned bike, you know).

On the other hand she also displays some difficulties in keeping idle after start. Much more than I remembered, certainly.

The whole thing makes me thing that there may be a hole somewhere that affects the injection sensors, the exhaust  or you may know what.

I couldn't find anything of the sort after a quick read on this part of the forum. So, any idea about the cause, let alone the solution is appreciated.

Thank you,



Good to hear you got home OK.

The first and easiest thing to check is for leaks around the exhaust gaskets .

This will cause popping and banging when you close the throttle but should not have much affect on the Idle unless your bike has an O2 sensor in the exhaust (which I don't think it has).


Thank you for information!

I understand that the most likely reason is leak due to wear of the gaskets, something that I understand too is not feasible or worth to check. So the owner'd better just replace them and 99% sure the problem is solved.

Diagnosis is really consistent with the fact that the noise and bangs happened more noticeably by the end of the trip, 4500 km later  ;)



sounds to me like a leaking inlet manifold or a perished rubber pipe causing the weak air/fuel mixture.  The noise you are hearing is spitting back through the inlet manifold.
The colour of the spark plugs may be white if this is the case.

Hope this helps.

Thank you G.
I will report your suggestion to her owner  :)



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