The Varadero International Meeting (VIM) - where riders of our forum meet > VIM21-2019: June 7th - June 10th, Denmark

VIM21 website - Booking Registration


We are still working on the website and don't yet have all the details to allow us to fully open the booking section but we would like to invite people to register for VIM21.

If you are thinking about attending VIM21 and would like to register for access to the website please send an email to me at

You will then receive  login and password for the VIM21 website which will allow you to add you details to your profile as usual.

I will post a note here when more sections of the website  are available.


I'm trying to process the website registration requests as they arrive.

If you've sent an email to and not received logon details for the website please check  your spam folder and If nothing is there send me a PM here.



We will shortly be opening the booking for VIM21.

If you have requested logon details for the VIM21 website and not received them, please let me know.

If you have a logon and have not fully completed you profile section please do so. You will not be able to access the booking section until your profile details have been entered.

If you are not sure that your profile details have been accepted have a look at the table on the "Who's Registered / Booked" page. If there is no mark in the "Profile completed" column for your name please check your details and then let me know.

We will make another announcement here once the booking section is open.



Booking section should now be visible to those who have completed their profile sections.


If you are paying via Paypal the booking system will add a calculated payment fee to your checkout total based on the value of your order and what we have seen from Paypal so far.

Most of the bank transfers are also arriving with a fee deducted but it is not clear at the moment if this fee is being deducted by the sending or the receiving bank.
As the fee seems to vary according to the bank (or country) we cant add a fixed value to the checkout total. Please consider this when making a bank transfer and adjust your payment accordingly.
If you have any doubts regarding the bank fee please contact Bonne or myself.




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