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Replacement forks 1999 XL 1000 Varadero


Pulled forks out for service and staunchion is jammed in lower leg, tried heat/careful force etc, no go. Possible bushes are damaged/seized in the leg.
If worse case scenario pans out and I need to replace are thier any other bikes/models that are interchangeable? Ie; other years or even VTR’s or similar

Thanks in advance

the prodded dog:
When you say that the stanchion is jammed do you mean solid or will the fork leg slide up and down?
If it still moves then it is likely the bush has moved out of its groove due to wear.
However if you consider the leg scrap try this first. I did it on my Vara and eventually the slider came out.
The bushes are a fibrous material and the metal of the forks will destroy them with enough force.
Presume the oil seal etc is out and bottom allen bolt undone.
Use a round bar as close to the axle hole diameter in the stanchion in a well anchored vice. Tighten up the pinchbolts for strength.
Place stanchion onto round bar and slide in the slider.
Take a good grip on the slider and pull as hard as you can.
Basically you are using the fork leg as a slide hammer to pull the bush out.
Good luck.
The Prodded Dog

Jammed solid Prodded Dog. I’ll give your suggestion a try, cheers.

Any suggestions on replacement fork assemblies/legs?


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