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meine dicke

2024-12-31, 11:04:46
Yes it works. Thank you Stewart and @all a HAPPY PEACEFULL and HEALTHY NEW YEAR  VCIF_a025


2024-12-31, 10:20:09
Test Shout 3


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Africa Twin dropoff crashbar test

Started by Two Plugs, November 23, 2017, 09:21:45

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Two Plugs

Founder of VIM, that's why I am in!
Join the Varadero International FB group:

meine dicke


as my crashbar from ALTRIDER ( http://www.altrider.com/bike-protection/cid/2 ).

I tested it as well, not really voluntary (so as not to get into disrepute). Nothing happend except repainting the position at the crashbar which had contact to the ground.

Also available for the HONDA CRF 1000 L.

Greetings from the South of Germany
Rainer aka meine dicke
Think positive - Flaps negative
YAMAHA XT 1200 ZE Worldcrosser
VDT 2010;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;22;23;24;25 booked
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Current: HONDA CRF1000L Tricolor DCT
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Two Plugs

He was clever enough to dismount the mirrors before performing the droptest, lol
Founder of VIM, that's why I am in!
Join the Varadero International FB group:


old enough that I should know better!

Two Plugs

Founder of VIM, that's why I am in!
Join the Varadero International FB group: