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CFR1000 - Forum name correction suggestion.

The CRF1000 Africa Twin Forum and sub forums is/are not named correctly.


Honda XL1000V Varadero - (is correct)
Honda VFR1200X Crosstourer - (correct)
Honda CRF1000 Africa Twin - (is missing the 'L' at the end)

Africa Twin should be:  Honda CRF1000L Africa Twin -  (including all its sub forums)

James Mc

Done, not sure we need a new thread for that  ;) and is it really very important ?  :o

--- Quote from: zebulon on June 27, 2017, 20:42:59 ---Done, not sure we need a new thread for that  ;) and is it really very important ?  :o

--- End quote ---

Not really important and I didn't suggest it was.  English is my first language and I do spot stuff like that.  I'm simply trying to help tidy things up a little. 
By using a new thread it catches admins eye. 
If you wish it can now be deleted.


--- Quote from: on June 27, 2017, 20:50:50 ---By using a new thread it catches admins eye. 

--- End quote ---

can be done by PM too, as previously  ;)


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